How much do you charge?
In case you missed it, my pricing is available on my site.
Why are you more expensive than other SEOs?
I provide a very high level & personalised service to my clients. To run a successful SEO campaign, I need to integrate into my client’s business – to understand where the money is and the direction they want to take the business.
- 15 hours of my time
- Monthly reporting
- High level, professional SEO services
- A one hour strategy meeting where we go over everything I do – and you can ask any questions
Combine this with the fact I have over a decade of experience and qualifications in enterprise IT, and specialise in internet marketing. I’m in a unique position to provide massive value to my clients.
Am I locked into a contract of any sort?
No, my services are simply month to month. You can pause, cancel or resume at your leisure.
Is there any way I can browse or view your work examples?
Yes, give me a call.
Is there anyone I can speak to about your services?
Yes, I have over 5+ references you can speak with today.
How do you know you can provide me with an ROI?
It depends on your individual business (current revenue, business model). If you decide to call me, I’ll ask questions about your business – not to try and sell you anything, rather, to ensure you’ll benefit from my services. Trust me, I don’t want to work with you if I can’t provide an ROI.
I tend to work best with established businesses invoicing over $30,000 AUD per month who are looking to scale. I do not work well with startups or 1-2 person operations, as generating a ROI at this level is much harder.
My own business survives off providing clients a positive ROI. So it’s in my best interest too.
How do I know what you’re actually doing, and how this has impacted my business?
Each month, we’ll sit down for a one-hour strategy meeting, where we discuss
- The revenue made from SEO the month prior
- The report that was provided, which includes reviewing the work items performed
- What areas of the website are making money – so we can focus our efforts
- What direction you want to take your business – for example, a healthcare company might ask me to focus on NDIS referrals, opposed to homecare referrals
During the strategy meeting, I’ll say “Hey Client, you’ve landed 123 phone calls and 32 emails this month, at an average close rate of 25% you should see $98,000 in revenue, does that look right to you?”.
Can you do our Facebook and other social media marketing?
No. My area of expertise is SEO. I study and pay for professional development in SEO. So, doing social media would be a disservice to you.
How long does SEO take?
It depends on your industry, competitiveness, current website and a few other factors.
SEO is a long-term strategy. As a rule of thumb, my clients generally see decent traction after 6 months, and the campaign blossoms after 12-18 months.
Can we speed up the process?
Yes, simply buy more time, and I’ll work more on your campaign.
Ready to team up?
Good. Give me a call and let’s start.
Remember, I have a degree from the University of Newcastle with a major in marketing. This is an extremely high level of SEO service, not cheap rubbish.
Call 0422 497 868.